Kid’s Day Out

Many churches offer a program known as “Mother’s Day Out.”  The idea of the program is to offer safe, Christian child-care during a specified time so Mom can “take a break.”  What a great idea! With the pace we all seem to be running these days, it’s easy to understand why churches have moved to meet the need.  

Even the commercials on television sing to us, “You deserve a break today, so get up and get away…” But I’m not so sure it’s our children we need a break from.  Think about the last time that one of your children seemed to be “getting on your last nerve.” What was happening around you? Were you pushed by a deadline? Out of sorts with a coworker or friend?  Paying bills and wondering how to make ends meet? Unfortunately, we often take our stress out on our children. Why not turn it around? Take your children out of the stress! You’ll be doing them and yourself a big favor.

Don’t take a break from your children; take a break with them.  Plan a family picnic or let your child(ren) pick an activity you can all enjoy.  You don’t have to have finances to make memories with your child. Take a nature walk or get out those old game boards that have been gathering dust.  Set aside a time when your time is their time.  It will mean the world to them and add a whole new dimension to parenting.  Then to such titles as Mom, nurse, chauffeur, and disciplinarian, you can add friend.

There is a song titled, “Cat’s in the Cradle,” which was popular in the 70’s.  It recounts how a son goes to his dad with ideas of things they can do together.  He’s so excited about the prospect of spending time with his dad. In the chorus, he even professes, “When I grow up, I want to be just like you.”  The song progresses through the child’s life and it seems dad is never able to make time for his son. He promises throughout the song that when he’s able, “We’ll get together then, son.  You know we’ll have a good time then.” However, the song ends on a sad note—he has grown up to be “just like dad,” and the father is now in his golden years. He calls his son and expresses a longing for his company, but the son is so busy, he’s not sure he can make time for his dad.  But he declares if I can find the time, “We’ll get together then Dad, you know we’ll have a good time then.” Within this pop hit there is a very important lesson being taught. It is the principle of sowing and reaping. Invest in your children, sow richly into their lives, and you will reap bountifully.  (2Corinthians 9:6) God hasn’t called you to do anything more important, more meaningful, or more fulfilling than “raising up a child in the way he should go.” (Proverbs 22:6) Choose today to become a friend to your children. They are a gift from God. (Psalms 127:3) The Word tells us in Proverbs 17:17 that a friend loves at all times…that sure sounds like moms and dads to me!


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