Sunday Worship Services
Sunday mornings at 10:30AM we gather for community worship, preaching, and fellowship. Children’s church begins in our Fellowship Hall after worship.
Wednesday Night Recharge
At 7:00PM we have many different opportunities for the midweek meeting. Adults, teens, and young children meet in various classes on campus for discipleship and worship together.
C3 Youth Ministry
Wednesday night at 6:45PM 6th thru 12th grade students join together for worship and relevant bible preaching designed to activate them to impact their schools and our community. You can follow them at
CityKids Children’s Ministry
After morning worship service, the kids 12 and under take part in a service just for them. Illustrated lessons, songs, puppets, music, and games encourage our young members with an exciting approach to Sunday school.
Wednesday Nights, students build biblical foundations with lessons and activities to walk through God’s Word .
Men’s Breakfast
The men’s group meets one Saturday of each month for breakfast at 8:00 am. The location will be posted on the calendar.
The local spot will also be shared each month on Facebook.
Women’s Meeting
Each month “PINK,” our ladies group, meets at 6:00PM for fellowship and encouragement to have a Positive Influence Now for the Kingdom. Our calendar will have details about each meeting.